Friday, November 30, 2007

heavy squat day week 3

Pretty good today... did sets of 6 on squats at 130, 130, 130 and 135 then did doubles at 175 and 185 with wraps and belt... but I hit depth on them for sure this week... stuck with 3 sets of 6 @ 95lbs on my good mornings and did 3 sets of 12 wide grip seated rows @ 60lbs and then 4th set at 65lbs... abs were all weighted today and were TOUGH! Getting more confident on my squats and as much as I hate those sets of 16 I do on Mondays I think they are helping...

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Just starting

Okay, so I thought this might be a good way to keep in touch with lots of people on different forums and keep myself accountable...

Workout was good this morning - bench was sets of 8 and I did 2 sets at 70lbs and the third at 75lbs... standing shoulder presses, face pulls and rotator cuffs stayed same weight as last week... think I will go up on face pulls next week...

Also threw in 20 min of cardio on the treadmill... nothing extreme, but some interval stuff... having one of those "fat weeks" so the extra cardio will at the very least make me feel better...

Time to run and get ready for work...

C'mon Tracker... get up and running again!