Tuesday, November 30, 2010

bench day....

Close grip bench 1bd 5x5 @ 95,100,105,110,115 (only got 4)
Close grip incline 6s @ 65,75,80
Front raises 3x15 @ 8lb dumbbells each hand each set
Chin ups: 15 reps with 70lbs of assistance, 12 w 60lbs, 8 w 50lbs, 4 w 40lbs, 2 w 30lbs
5 sets abs
Snatch singles @ 45,55,60

Monday, November 29, 2010

holy smokes...

Warm ups included mostly mobility work
squats 3x8 @ 150,160,170
Snatch grip dls 3x8 @ 185,195,205
Bulgarian split squats 3x12 each leg @ 15lb dbs each hand all sets
hypers 3x30 no wgt
abs 5 sets

Sunday, Nov 28

After a long drive to Saskatoon on Saturday and then a long drive home on Sunday, I went to the gym for bench... needless to say, it wasn't my best

Warm up included mostly mobility work...

Floor press 5s @ 65,85,95,105,110
Legs up 3x5 @ 95,100,95 (had to go back down, 100 was tough)
bottom half bench 3x10 @ 65,75,75
bent over barbell rows 3x10 @ 70 all sets
one arm DB rows 3x10 @ 25 all sets
assisted chin ups 3x5 with 50lbs assistance
3 sets abs

Friday, November 26, 2010

Bench Thursday
Speed bench w bands 9x3 @ 75
2bd @ 105,110,115,120,125
Several sets of rotators and abs

Squats Friday
squats 5x5 @ 165,175,185,195,205 (last 2 w belt)
stiff leg dls 6s @ 135,155,165,175,185
Suitcase dls 3x8 @ 70
abs and hip thrusts

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Oh how I have missed deadlifts

even if they are sets of 10...

sumo DLs 3x10 from deficit @ 175, 185, 195
sumo DLs speed 20x1 @ 165
snatches 45x2, 55x2, 60x1, 65x1, 65x1
pfister hypers 2x15, 1x20 @ 7kg
obliques - 5 sets

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Last KB class

That class last night was brutal and awesome.  So much cardio... It was truly another nonstop class.  We started with 100 swings, about 15-20 seconds of rest and then another 100 swings.  Then it just got harder from there.  We did this one series type thing where we started with 10 OHS with bell in one hand, then 10 OHS with bell in other hand, then rack the bell on one side and lunge across the room, 10 double bell swings, then switch sides and lunge back across room.  It all ends up being a blur in the end but I do know she said we totalled 500 swings last night.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

forgot to post

thought I should post my success and frustration from the weekend...

Friday squats were decent... did single box squats with belt @ 205, 215, 225, then added wraps @ 245 
I hate box squats... they are so much harder

Saturday bench sucked... my weakness in my chest is so very apparent.  Did singles @ 115, 125 and failed 135... couldn't even get it off my chest - ARGH!

Monday, November 22, 2010

change of gears

Cressey program is done - well, the 4 weeks that I am doing is done.

Today I am just doing my own thing in the gym, tomorrow is my last KB class and then Wednesday (if I can walk) I will be starting a 4 week program my brother built a long time ago. 

My weight was down to 64.5 over the weekend.  Here's hoping the trend continues.

Monday, November 15, 2010

End of Week 3, beginning of Week 4

Thursday was a rest day and boy did I need it.  I skipped bowling as I wasn't feeling well and went to bed early.

Friday I felt much better and box squats went well.  Did 5x2 @ 175 and 5x2 @ 185+belt.  The workout was a challenging one and I was happy about it.  I was tired when it was done.  Saturday was good as well.  Never thought I would be doing speed bench @ 90lbs :)  Lots of volume both days. 

Sunday was a circuit day for me.  Boy, my conditioning sucks!! 

Today is the beginning of phase 1, week 4.  After this I am going back into a pl program from my brother.  It's a 4 week program he built me, focusing on basic strength.  It's got a great mix of volume and intensity.  That will take me to the end of December when I may take a short break from programmed stuff for a bit until starting a program that will take me right up to Nationals in April. 

My weight is really high... 66kg.  Not sure what that's about.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Tuesday - KB class... this class is awesome and brutal.  My shoulders still hurt Thursday from this class.  We didn't do quite as many squats this time, but a ton of overhead work.  My endurance sucks.

Warm up as always
A) bench with fat gripz on 3,3,3,5,5,5 @ 85,95,105,100,100,100
B1) DB floor press 7,7,7,10 @ 25,30,30,30
B2) One arm rows 7,7,7,10 @ 25,30,30,30
C1) trap raises 3x12 @ 70 all sets
C2) scap pushups 3x15
D) side bridges 3x30sec each side

Food has been decent.  Today is less structured because I got to work late as it's a holiday.  Making decent food choices though.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Phase 1 Week 3

I've been so busy at work and don't have the Blogger app on my phone so I only do this from work. 

Last week I missed Monday's workout due to not feeling great, but had my first Kettlebell class Tuesday.  Then I couldn't walk right until Friday... LOL  Still got my upper body stuff in Wed and lower body Friday.  Saturday was another upper body day and on Sunday I was going to do a circuit but ended up doing 2 - 6km walks with my mom.

Yesterday I started week 3 workouts.

A) front squats 3,3,3,3,5,5,5 @ 115,125,135,140,135,130,130
B) reverse lunge with front foot elevated 7,7,7,10 @ 22s, 25s, 25s, 25s
C1) pull throughs 4x12 @ 90,100,100,100
C2) pallof presses 3x10 each side with monster minis
D) plate pinches 3x30sec each side @ 2 - 5s all sets

Food yesterday was okay and today is even better.  I find the weekends the worst, especially with the last few weekends being busy and not at home.

M1: apple, yogurt, cottage cheese, raisins and mixed nuts
M2: salad with spinach, chicken, cranberries and almonds with a mango dressing made from juice; banana
M3: okay, not really a meal, more of a snack... few pieces of canteloupe, honeydew melon and watermelon each
M4: stirfry with mixed vegetables and edamame with a bit of teriyaki
M5: bison chili and sauteed brussel sprouts in coconut oil and topped with a bit of shredded cheese
Kettlebell class
M6: Post workout - homemade brown rice pudding with mixed berries

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

November 2

I will log my food and edit as necessary.  I am going to log my plan in the morning and then edit if needed when I log my training for that day as well.

Meal 1: 2 eggs, 2 pieces gluten free bread; black coffee

Meal 2: lemon poppyseed protein bar (from AskGeorgie.com), orange and banana

Meal 3: salad, 1/2 smokie, 5 perogies and small piece cheesecake

Argh - a few pieces of Halloween candy
Meal 4: 6oz lean beef, brussels sprouts cooked in coconut oil and a bit of shredded cheese
Pre-training: protein powder in water and raisins

Meal 5: protein cookie from AskGeorgie.com


Warm up series

A) Incline press 3x1, 2x3 @ 85,95,100, 85,90

B1) DB floor press 7,7,10 @ 30lb DBs each set
B2) One arm DB rows 7,7,10 @ 30 each

C1) Trap raises 3x12 @ 70,80,80
C2) Scap pushup 3x15

D) Side planks 3x30 sec each side

Also tossed in some DB bench 2x8 and a couple chin ups

MY FOOD... Argh!!

I think I might use this blog as a place to log my food for a bit as well.  I am struggling since this last meet to stay on track with my eating.  I have good intentions.  I make my meals like always and then when I get to work I am faced with all sorts of other things to eat.  That's the downfall of working in a building that also has a residence for youth attached.  I can often avoid the food by just avoiding the residence, but days like today get me.  We had a farewell so I went over with the intention of having salad and then eating my food after.  I should have done that the other way around.  I had salad, and some perogies (I really need to get tested for a true gluten intolerance already so I know to either truly stay away or not to worry) and 1/2 a smokie.  Then when the cheesecake came out I had a small piece.  If I had just stayed in my office I would have eaten my chicken salad but then I miss out on the opportunity to participate in saying goodbye to this young person.  The alternative, really, is that I am dedicated enough to my health and wellbeing that I eat my food as planned AND participate in the farewell but not partake in the food.  I used to do that.  I used to sit in a room with desserts everywhere and eat only the food that was "compliant".  I need to get back there because I feel better with that level of strictness. 

Week 2

Day 1 of Week 2 I skipped.  I wasn't feeling well and I tend to push myself too hard and then feel really run down rather than taking one day to recoup.  I did that this time and felt great the following morning. 

Day 2 was my first kettlebell class.  I am sore today and it only seems to be getting worse... LOL  I am looking forward to next week already.

Day 3 is tonight's upper body work.  I will post on it tomorrow.

Monday, November 1, 2010

End of week 1

Where did I leave off?? 

Friday box squats... my box squat needs some work apparently... well, it did, and then I worked on it and it's fine now... I did more than just box squats of course.  I also did stiff leg deadlifts, Cressey split squats and suitcase deadlifts.  Also did some abs.  Cressey split squats are evil...

Saturday was quick training in the morning in the warm up area before lifters were getting started.  I did speed bench, close grip bench and rows with varying grips.  After that I called it quits but spent the rest of the day helping lifters, loading and unloading weight in the warm up area and then helping take down the venue and move all the weights and equipment. 

Went in Sunday and did a cardio circuit from his T-Nation Cardio Confusion article... I went through it twice and it was tough.  I was tired as well, but I think it was also just tough.

Fighting something I think, as I have not been feeling great for 2 days now.  Thinking I might have to skip tonight because I really don't want to get sick.