Friday, February 25, 2011

Tues was close grip and while I can't remember specifics, I did hit my targets with relative ease... it was 7s both to my chest and to a 3bd I believe. Also lots of accessory triceps work and other stuff :)

A1) DLs 3x6 (after warm up sets) @ 220,230,240
A2) ankle mobility 3 sets each side
B1) OH squats 3x5 @ 55,65,70
B2) single leg hip thrusts 3x10 each side @ 10,10,15
C1) DB swings 3x15 @ 40 all sets
C2) yoga plex 3x4 each side

Thurs was a rest day in the program but I did 4 sets of 50 KB swings first thing in the morning.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

got me thinking...

I am involved in the Precision Nutrition online community and read a few posts today about women's bodies. These got me thinking again... something I tend to do :) I have often thought a lot about how I believe powerlifting truly saved me but have probably never written it out. I used to be overweight... pretty much my childhood. Then in my 20s I found Weight Watchers and lost the weight... had a second baby and had to lose it all again. And I kept losing... I was smaller than I had ever been in my life... I probably weighed less at 26 than I did at 8. People, family in particular, started commenting about my weight. But, these same people had been the ones to tell me I needed to lose weight... so, I used them to fuel my weight loss fire. I remember the day I got on the scale and it read 119lbs... I was so excited. I vividly remember thinking that I could trick WW into allowing me to work while being underweight because I would be weighing in at night with clothes on, so they could be fooled.

Then, one day, my brother asked me to squat in our grandmother's kitchen. And he teased me and I told him to teach me. A few weeks later, he taught me. A month later I joined a gym and he put together a program for me. I told him I was eating MORE as a means of ensuring I could get stronger... I mean, I was UP to almost 1500kcal a day most days... hahaha!! Oh how foolish I was.

At my first meet I weighed in and walked out into the lifting area to realize that my name, age and weight were up on a huge screen.... and I realized that if I was enjoying lifting as much as I thought I was, I would have to give up my obsession with my weight. And I did...

Fours years later (this month) is when I started my first program... today, I still struggle some days with my body and weight. Some days I wonder how big I will get. Some days I panic and have to remind myself that being skinny fat wasn't good either and that I love lifting more than I love being skinny.

A few years ago, when I was going through my own stuff, I banished the phrase "nothing tastes as good as thin feels" from my WW meeting... and now, when my members go to use that saying I remind them "nothing tastes as good as healthy feels".

I honestly don't know where I would be if my brother hadn't asked me to squat in my grandmother's kitchen that day...

Dec 2005... about 124lbs... wasn't quite at my smallest yet

My last meet... Oct 2010

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Weekends in MJ are so good for training. Sometimes its technical coaching & sometimes its just good for the confidence and simple fun.

Sat squats worked up to a couple doubles in full gear @ 285 and 295. Lots of accessory work as well.

Sun got into my bench shirt. Doubles at 145 and 155. Just about got the double at 165 as well.

Tomorrow we are going to the gym early so I can make the long drive home even though I always hate leaving.

Friday, February 18, 2011

too busy it seems

I have been very busy with work and family that it's been tough to log my training consistently.

I have been getting in every day and this weekend I am headed to Moose Jaw to train at Unparalleled ( with my brother et al. I am excited about that... I love it there :)

I will get back to logging very soon.

Oh, and just a reminder... if you have a Droid, search Fuel Up and download... well worth the few dollars! I made the lemon poppyseed bars for the trip... amazing!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Thurs PM, Fri AM

Deadlifts last night were okay...

sumo DL 4s @ 135,155,185,205,220,230,240,250

A1 single leg hip thrust 3x8 each side @ 25lbs all sets

A2 front squats 3x5 @ 105,115,120

B1 TGUs 3x3 each side @ 15lbs all sets

B2 yoga plex 3x5 each side

C1 seated 90/90 2x30sec each side

C2 t-spine dip 3x10

This morning was more KB work, but not too much as I am feeling pretty worn down. I think that's one of the things I really like about doing this KB work at home first thing, I can do as much as I feel good doing.

50 double hand swings

50 alternating hand swings

20 slingshots/figure 8 with hold - whatever they are called, 10 swings, 20 more slingshots

25 swings, 5 squats, 25 swings, 5 squats, 25 swings, 5 squats, 25 swings, 5 squats

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wed PM and Thurs AM

Wed PM
CG bench 3x5 @ 85,90,90
A1 Incline DB 3x12 @ 25s, 22s, 22s
A2 Prone rows 3x12
B1 1foot elevated pushups 3x6/side
B2 chest supported rows 3x8 @ 80 all sets
C1 wall slides 3x8
C2 various antirotational ab work

Thurs AM
1 min on, 1 min off KB work (incl swings, figure 8 with hold, one hand swings, clean and press) for 5 rounds

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mon, Tues and half of Wed

high bar squats 5x5 @ 155, 165, 175, 185, 200 (belt) - although my blasted spotter pretty much helped me every rep at 200 - argh!

DB lunges 3x8 each leg @ 28s every set

GHRs 3x6 @ 35 each set

Interval cardio was farmers walks, suitcase walks and DB swings


Tues A.M.
100 KB swings alternating between 20 double hand and 20 single hand
5 rounds of:
20 swings
5 goblet squats
10 cleans right, 10 cleans left

Wed A.M.

100 swings alternating between 20 double hand and 20 single hand
Rest maybe 30 sec
3 rounds of:
10 squats with overhead press
10 swings
Rest again around 30-45 sec
3 rounds of:
20 Figure 8 with hold
10 swings

Wed P.M. will be close grip bench

Monday, February 7, 2011

speed bench 9x3 @ 75 plus bands
2bd 3x5 @ 100,110,120
3bd 5s @ 130,135,140,145
accessories, I can't remember what I did, but I am pretty sure there were a million chin ups, scap pushups and other stuff
10 min on stairmill

squats (only working sets listed) 4x2 @ 245,255,265,275 all straps down
A1 1leg rom dl with DBs 3x8 @ 22s, 28s, 28s
A2 GM 3x6 @ 85,95,95
B1 glute bridge 3x12 @ 65 all sets
B2 side planks 3x30sec each side
pec and lat stretches to finish - 3x30 sec of each
then I walked around West Ed mall for around 3 hours

Bench (only working sets listed) with shirt 3x2 @ 135, 145, 150
A1 bench 3bd 3x3 @ 135, 135, 135
A2 1leg 1arm row 3x8 each side @ 25,25,25
B1 alt db bench 3x8 @ 20s, 25s, 25s
B2 bent rows 3x10 @ 70,70,70
antirotational presses and rotators to finish - 3-5 sets of each
13 min on treadmill

Friday, February 4, 2011

Boy, I am slacking on the logging here...

CG 7x5 @ 75,80,85,85,90,90,95
Accessories were supersets of DB incline and prone rows, 1leg elevated pushups and bent rows and stretching/mobility

DLs 4s @ 135,155,185,205,215,225,235,245,245

A1 1 leg hip thrusts 3x8 each leg @ 15lbs all sets
A2 front squats 3x5 @ 105,110,115

B1 TGU 3x3 each side @ 10lbs all sets
B2 Yoga plex 3x5 each side

stretching and mobility