Thursday, April 28, 2011

Last night I deadlifted... I really love deadlifts but I was not keen on them last night.

Sumo DL 3x5 @ 225,235,245 (I did lots of warm up sets up to this of course)

Sumo DL from deficit (just working on form) 3x5 @ 115,165,165

Front squat 3x6 @ 100,105,110

A1 DB bulg split squats 3x8 each leg @ 25s in each hand all sets
A2 Landmines 3x6 each side @ bar + 10, 12.5, 12.5

B1 DB swings 2x15 @ 40,40
B2 calf stretch 2x30sec

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Took it easy on close grip today... hit my numbers but didn't push it after Sunday...

CGB 3x10 @ 70,75,80
CGB 2bd 3x6 @ 95,100,105
A1 CGB 3bd 2x6 @ 110,115
A2 DB rows 3x8 each side @ 30,35,35
B1 scap pushups 3x10
B2 head supported rows 3x10 @ 25s all sets

Monday, April 25, 2011


Well, the high bar squats are feeling stronger than they were in January when I ran this program... but I still don't love them :)

High bar squats 3x8 @ 165,170,180

Reverse lunges 3x6 each side @ 25s,25s,30s

Speed dls 6x2 w 45 sec between @ 190

Pallof presses 3x10 each side with bands

adductor stretches
Squats 5x3 @ 200,210 (belt only), 220,230,240 (belt and wraps)

A1 stiff leg DLs 3x6 @ 175,185,190

A2 yoga plex 3x6 each side

B1 single leg hip thrust 3x8 each side @ 8lbs all sets

B2 wall march 3x6 each side

B3 ab fall outs 3x8

C1 heel to butt 2x30 sec

C2 seated 90/90 2x30 sec

Saturday night I felt horrible. Not sure what was wrong, but I went to bed just after 9pm. I felt decent Easter morning but then was just exhausted all day. I felt like I could have slept all day long, despite the amazing weather. Went to the gym Sunday at 5pm... things did not go well. Maybe I've been pushing it with bench too much or maybe I was worn down and tired or sick.

legs up 3x5 @ 95,105,110 (did 4)

legs up 2bd 2x5 @ 115,120 (did 4)

(I think I did these numbers last week actually, that's how weak I was feeling)

A1 chins 5x3 with assistance but did pauses at bottom

A2 DB incline press 4x8 @ 22s, 25s, 25s, 25s

B1 side planks 3x20sec

B2 rotators with bands 3 sets internal and external

Then did a bit of cardio type work while I waited for some of the guys to finish with my boards.

Friday, April 22, 2011

More catch up...

Sumo dls 5x5 @ 205,215,225,230,235
Front squats 3x6 @ 95,100,105
A1 DB Bulgarian split squats 3x8 each leg @ 25s each hand all sets
A2 landmines 3x6 each side @ bar + 10
B1 DB swings 2x15 @ 40 all sets
B2 calf stretches 2x30sec

Speed bench 9x3 @ 70 plus bands
3bd 5s @ 95,105,115,125,135,145,150(comp grip on last set)
A1 DB bench 3x8 @ 25s, 28s, 30s
A2 pullups 4x3 w assistance
B1 2pt row 3x10 @ 25s each hand all sets
B2 1 arm pec stretch 2x30 sec each side

Thursday, April 21, 2011

quick update so I don't get too far behind

Rest day Monday - too busy with the kids activities and sometimes, something has to give.

Tuesday - squats

high bar squats 3x8 @ 155,165,175
reverse lunges 3x6 each leg @ 25s all sets
speed DLs 6x2 w 45 sec @ 180
pallof presses 3x10 each side with bands
adductor stretch

Wednesday - CGB

CGB 3x10 @ 70,75,80
CGB 2bd 3x6 @ 85,95,105
A1 CGB 3bd 2x6 (did 3rd set) @ 110,115,120
A2 DB rows 3x8 each side @ 30 all sets
B1 scap pushups 3x10
B2 head supported rows 3x10 @ 25s in each hand all sets
B3 overhead press 3x8 @ 45,50,50

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sunday... boy am I sore!

Well, it's Monday, so I am less sore today, but yesterday I was crazy sore!

Legs up bench 5x5 @ 85,90,95,100,105
Legs up 2bd 3x5 @ 110,115,120
A1 chin ups 5x3
A2 incline DB press 4x8 @ 25s all sets
B1 plank 3x20sec per side
B2 rotators 4 sets

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sat torture... bad idea

10am crossfit drop in WOD
20min of: 100m run, 21 kb swings, 12 pullups
I used 35lb kb and band for assistance w pullups .. did just over 6 rounds

Squats @ 11:30
Squats 5x3 @ 175,185,195,205,210 belted
Stiff leg dls 3x6 @ 165,175,175
Yoga plex 3x4/side
1 leg hip thrusts no wgt 3x8/side
Wall march 3x6/side

Speed bench 9x3 @ 70 plus bands
3bd 5s @ 85,95,105,115,125,130,135,140
A1 DB bench 3x8 @ 22s, 25s,25s
A2 Pull up 4 sets
B1 2pt row @ 22,25,25 each side
B2 1 arm pec stretch
Dls 5x5 @ 185,195,205,215,225 then 230 just cuz
Front squats 3x6 @ 95,95,100
A1 DB bulg split squats 3x8/side @ 20s each hand
A2 landmines 3x6/side @ bar + 10
B1 DB swings 3x15 @ 35
B2 calf stretching 3 sets

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Rest day... needed some easy recovery for my legs

10 min treadmill

5 rounds of:
Farmers walk length of gym and back w 35s
10 box jumps

Then did 3x5 each leg step ups w 20 in opposite hand

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tuesday, April 12

Things were good and this early on I still feel strong and like I have a bit left in the tank...

CGB 3x10 @ 65,70,75
CGB 2bd 3x6 @ 85,95,100
A1 CGB 3bd 2x6 but did extra set @ 105,110,115
A2 DB row 3x8 each side @ 25,30,30
B1 Scap pushup 3x10
B2 Head supported row 3x10 @ 20s,22s,25s
Then tossed in 3x8 OH press @ 40,50,50 and some rear delt work

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Monday, April 11

Last night... I love and hate high bar squats... I mean, I hate them, they are brutal and hard and miserable, but I love them because I stay upright when the weight gets heavy, in part because of all this high bar work.

high bar squats 3x8 @ 145,155,165
reverse lunges 3x6per leg @ 20s, 22s, 25s
speed deadlifts 6x2 every 45 sec @ 170
pallof presses 3x10 per side with bands
adductor stretch

Monday, April 11, 2011

Back to regularly scheduled training

Started training last night for the next meet...

Sunday, April 10

Legs up 5x5 @ 65,75,85,95,100
Legs up 2bd 3x5 @ 105,110,115
A1 Chins 5x3
A2 Incline DB press 4x8 @ 20s,20s,25s,25s
B1 side planks 3x20sec each side
B2 rotators with bands 4 sets

Nice to be back with programming

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Nationals 2011

What a fantastic meet! Well, the making weight part was less fun but I made it. I think the extensive travel must have caused me to retain a ton of water, which my body did not want to drop. I cut water out at 4pm Tuesday and at 8am Wed I was 63.8 - eek! At 9-9:30am Rhaea and I went to the sauna across the street (I was down to 63.6 at this point). Sauna and whirlpool for about 45 min and when we got back to the hotel I was 63.1... with 10 min to go. I spit out the last 100grams and made it, exactly 63.0.

Overall, I am very happy... although I only walked away with PBs in squat and total, there's a bigger picture here for me that makes me very very thrilled.

Squats went off as planned... 135kg was an easy opener... 147.5kg was probably even better (I am always a tad cautious on the opener, so once I sink that I speed up for my second and third). 150kg was my third and it was nice... I slowed down a bit but it wasn't a grinder by any means!

Bench was a frustration... 70kg was easy, 75kg still easy... I really wanted 82.5kg even though my coaches were toying with just 80kg. They agreed I had 82.5 in me though after watching 75... I lost it on the right side about 5-6inches off my chest. My arm tipped back which pulled me out of the groove and that was it. BUMMER!! That lift would have put me 7.5kg behind the leader. Alas, I was now 15kg behind her. Keep in mind, I did not have a clue about the board and the numbers at the time. My coaches were watching.

Going into deadlift I knew my first and seconds were solid. This is my lift and my brother (one of my coaches) has yet to call a deadlift number I have not pulled (I have been called twice on technical issues, but I pulled them to lockout). 147.5 and 157.5 were pretty easy lifts. Well, I was told to "go sit down". I had been told that my coaches were more worried about taking a shot at gold than worrying about PBs or an elite total. I was told to just pull what was put on the bar. The girl in the lead did not pull her third deadlift, which meant, if I could pull a rabbit out of my hat it could be there... coaches knew it was a long shot, but like I was told, "you don't come to nationals to not take a run at gold". I was told later, if the girl in first had pulled her last deadlift I would have been given 170kg as my third. That would have given me my first elite total... I knew I had 170 in me ;) But, because the National record is 177.5kg, my coaches could put in for 178 (0.5 increment allowed on record attempts), which would have given me a 403kg total (the girl in first had 402.5).

While I would like to say "ya, it was awesome, I came from behind and deadlifted 20kg over my previous PB to win", I can't ;) I didn't even move the bar... not a smidge... not sure I even could have rolled it on the carpet. BUT, I did give it a freaking honest try... and for 2 days after my back knew I had tried - LOL!

So... I walk away with a second (in a class of 3 lifters), a 7.5kg PB in squat and a 5kg PB in total... a 410 Wilks (up from 400, my previous best Wilks). The best part though, which is the bigger picture... I was close... I mean, close enough to give it a try with that last deadlift. I easily had another 2.5kg in my squat (my brother thought maybe even 5kg) and I just lost that last bench from the groove - technical issue really. The girl who beat me is a great lifter and I thought she was going to be so far ahead of me by deadlifts it wouldn't matter... but she wasn't. I held my own... and THAT is a much better "big picture" than any PB...

Needless to say... the fire has been stoked...