Sunday, July 31, 2011

Update on the diet

This diet has been a bit of a bust... I mean, not terrible, but definitely not as good as I'd hoped for the 'pain' and annoyance of the diet.

I lost several inches in the last few weeks, mostly in my stomach, which was no surprise considering last time we measured I was pretty bloated (we did measurements the day after day 1 - which would be day 2, then... LOL).

My weight, though, is not great.... I was at 64.8kg. So, like 1.5kg lost in 15 days... again, not bad, but nothing I wouldn't be able to achieve with a more moderate approach and following basic PN.

My husband has had even less progress in 15 days. Frankly, we'd both be happy with this kind of progress if we'd just followed something like PN... but when you're hungry 3 of every 5 days and adding cardio intervals in several days and not taking rest days, I'd really have hoped for better.

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