Tuesday, May 24, 2011

the past week

Since last blog I nailed my deadlifts, doing sets of 4 @ 235,245,255,265. It was great. My accessory work was front squats up to 125lbs, single leg hip thrusts with 20lbs, turkish get ups with 15lbs and mobility and stretching.

Friday was a decent bench day but nothing spectacular, really. Just normal work. Speed work and loads of board work. I believe I worked up to 150 or 155 for a set of 5 to a 3bd... it was not easy!

Saturday was another great day. Squats took forever, but I worked up to straps down work... did doubles @ 260,270,280 and then 285. It was great. My accessory work was the norm from the last 2 weeks... single leg romanian deadlifts, glute bridges, side bridges.

Sunday was legs up but I was starting to feel weak from being sick. I hit my numbers pretty much but not easily. Legs up to chest 6s up to 105, then 2bd 6s at 110,115,120 and then 3bd 6s @ 130,130.

Been sick since then... going to modify things this week to make sure I get 1 of each main lift in the next 3 days since I seem to be feeling more human again.

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