Thursday, September 30, 2010

245x1 with belt
265x1 with belt
285x2 straps down
300x2 full gear
310x2 full gear

Front squats
105x10 with belt
115x10 with belt
125x5 with belt
130x5 with belt

Rows with bands 3x20

Back extensions 3x12 @ 5kg each with 2 sec pause

3 sets abs

Bent over rows with bar 2x15 @ 60 each

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sept 28

Ah... what a nice relief... compared to most days lately this felt like a walk in the park.

CB 3bd 3x5 @ 100, 105, 110

Reg grip 3bd 3x3 @ 120, 130, 140

JM press 3x5 @ 45, 55, 65

bench dips (feet elevated) 2x12, 1x15

4 sets biceps

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sept 27 Squats

This was decent... not what I wanted but okay anyway...

squats 5x7 @ 165, 175, 185, 195 (only did 5, no spotter and the 5th rep was ugly), 200 (got a spot)...

stiff leg DLs 2x10 @ 165, 175

calves 2 sets
low back 5 sets
abs 5 sets

Monday, September 27, 2010


I have been training, but was without internet access at work a couple days and then didn't get things updated at home. Nothing too remarkable... did what I was expected to do except on Saturday with squats when I missed the second rep at 275lbs in my last set.

Watched some Eric Cressey videos in hopes that I can improve my flexibility for squatting. I seem to be struggling a bit with depth and maybe it's just about fighting the suit but I am not wanting to take the chance that it's about flexibility and I do nothing about it. I will try some of the things he talked about later tonight when I go in. Might do them in my kitchen before leaving for the gym so I don't look silly trying to figure them out the first time.

Getting near the end and I can tell. I am feeling tired a lot and started taking Melatonin to help me sleep. I had some sort of a mild panic attack on Saturday night around 12:30am. I woke up and my muscles felt like I couldn't calm them down and I couldn't find a position to relax in. It passed within an hour and I was back asleep.

I am watching my food intake a bit more closely as well because I am aiming for my first 400 Wilks. My goal lifts: 150kg squat, 77.5kg bench, 157.5kg DL at a body weight of 65kg (or less) would give me that Wilks. Getting excited. Just over 2 weeks now.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sept 21/10

CG bench 2bd 3x8 @ 95, 100, 105
3bd bench 4x3 @ 115, 125, 135, 145
Tate presses 3x5 @ 25lb DBs each set
4 sets biceps
1 set dips (to failure)
3x6 push press @ 45, 55, 65

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sept 20/10

Full Gear Squats

I do have video and will get it up when I can... I am worried as always that depth wasn't there. I feel like I am fighting a losing battle in that suit these days with depth.

Squats 5 @ bar
Squats 3s @ 135, 155
Squats singles @ 185, 205 (belt), 235 (belt and wraps)
Squats singles straps down @ 255, 275
Squats singles full gear @ 295, 305

Stiff leg DLs 2x10 @ 155, 175

Calves 3x20 no weight

5 sets lower back work
5 sets ab/core work

3 sets hip thrusts no weight

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sept 19/10

More bench...

Legs up 3x5 @ 85, 95, 105

2bd 5s @ 115, 125... then 4 @ 135

DB presses 3x8 @ 25x2 all sets

biceps 5 sets total

6 sets abs (4 with weight)

Took it easy considering I had done a tough training day just the day prior

Weekend of Training

I missed training on Friday as my daughter and I drove to Saskatoon for the Justin Bieber concert. I put in both my squat training and missed bench training on Saturday in Saskatoon. It was good.

squat x5 @ 135, 155
squat x2 @ 185, 205 (belt), 230 (b&w), 245 (b&w), 255 (b&w), 265 (b&w), 275 (b&w)... depth was borderline on the 1st rep at 275 but I was told the second one was better.

GMs 3x10 @ 95, 105, 115

lunges 3x10 each leg @ 35, 35, and then I used a KB so not sure of weight

KB swings 2x15

bench to chest 7 @ bar, 5 @ 65, 85
bench to 3bd 5s @ 95, 115, 125, 135, 145
bench to 4bd 3s @ 150, 155, 160

Accessory work included rear delts, front raises, rotators... not sure of all the rep/set schemes

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sept 15/10

I never thought my bench "targets" would feel light...

CG bench 2bd 3x8 @ 95, 95, 100

Bench 3bd 3x3 @ 120, 130, 140

5 sets biceps

Tate presses 3x12 @ 20lb DBs each set

overhead triceps ext 2x12 @ 35

20 min elliptical

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sept 14/10

Squats did not go quite as planned. As I was warming up with some lighter squats my back started to tighten up and was unpleasant. Asked for advice and got the direction to keep the weight light and let my lower back recover.

squats 7s @ 135, 160, 170, 175
squats 5 @ 180
squats 3 @ 190 - intended to do 5 but I got really bent over on the 3rd one so I called it quits

stiff leg DLs 2x10 @ 155, 175

high bar narrow stance squats 3x10 @ 95, 115, 125

pfister back extensions 2x15, 1x18 @ 4kg ball

several sets of abs/core and for kicks did some lat work on the TRX my friend's trainer has hanging there

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

September 13, 2010

Legs up bench 3x5 @ 85, 90, 95
2bd bench 5s @ 105, 110, 115, 120
3bd bench 5s @ 130, 135, 140
decline bench 3x8 @ 85, 90, 95
biceps 4 sets 10-15 reps

Sunday, Sept 12, 2010

Full gear squats

Worked up in doubles after warming up with some hip mobility, glute activation stuff and light squats.

Doubles @ 185, 205, 225 (wraps), 240 (wraps)
Doubles straps down @ 260, 280
Doubles full gear @ 290, 295

My depth was high or questionable on all of them. The suit was definitely too low until I pulled it higher for 295. I am also struggling with a cold and just returned late the night before from a trip to Halifax. Yes, I am making excuses... but it really just wasn't my best.

Finished with
GMs 3x5 @ 105,115,125
Lunges 1x12 (each leg) no weight, 1x12 (each leg) 35lbs, 1x10 (each leg) 35lbs
modified GHRs 3x15 @ 15 each set
several sets of abs/core

Back to blogging

I realized last night while benching that I need to keep better track of the weights I am using as I am not always "perfect" to my target numbers. In fact, my squats are slightly below targets and my bench is almost always above targets.

I am training for a meet in Oct in Saskatchewan and then will turn my focus to PEI in the spring. I really want to make it to the CPU Nationals next year and am working on being able to actually afford to make the trip.