Monday, November 15, 2010

End of Week 3, beginning of Week 4

Thursday was a rest day and boy did I need it.  I skipped bowling as I wasn't feeling well and went to bed early.

Friday I felt much better and box squats went well.  Did 5x2 @ 175 and 5x2 @ 185+belt.  The workout was a challenging one and I was happy about it.  I was tired when it was done.  Saturday was good as well.  Never thought I would be doing speed bench @ 90lbs :)  Lots of volume both days. 

Sunday was a circuit day for me.  Boy, my conditioning sucks!! 

Today is the beginning of phase 1, week 4.  After this I am going back into a pl program from my brother.  It's a 4 week program he built me, focusing on basic strength.  It's got a great mix of volume and intensity.  That will take me to the end of December when I may take a short break from programmed stuff for a bit until starting a program that will take me right up to Nationals in April. 

My weight is really high... 66kg.  Not sure what that's about.

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