Monday, January 17, 2011

progress update

So, Tuesday last week I just helped out... no lifting for me. I was hopeful things would feel better Wednesday, but unfortunately my back was still sore. It seemed to be improving, but was not there yet. I did get in Wednesday night for some light belted DLs, sets of 5 up to 175lbs. Worked on form mostly and added in some 65lb front squats and unweighted unilateral work. My back felt better after the workout... I was hopeful for Thursday.

Thursday my back was still sore, but definitely improving. I have bowling Thursday night and thought that since DLs had made it feel better, bowling probably would too. Boy was I wrong! I threw one game and had to quit. While I had an awesome game (351), it was growing increasingly painful with every ball I threw. It is amazing how well I can bowl when I am staying very slow and straight... haha!! I was worried at this point though... My brother suspected maybe glutes...

Friday I went back to the chiropractor. He said I was out but based on my jabberings and taking a look at my back he said it seemed like maybe I had strained the muscle. He also found some nasty spots in my feet - well, my right foot especially. I just about flew off the table when he hit a few spots in my right foot. Friday night was some bench work... kept it light again and took it relatively easy. After training I headed to my massage therapists. She checked my hips and said I am anteriorly rotated still, but not as bad as before. She did suspect the pain in my back was connected with working my right hip flexor out the weekend prior (connected with the misery of my right foot and the tenderness in my right glute). It was well worth all the pain (my glutes were horrific she said) and I was able to walk away with a further reduction in pain in my back.

I did squat Saturday, and played it safe of course. Wore my belt for all of it and kept it light... sets of 3 up to 225lbs with belt and wraps. Enough to do some work without overdoing it. My back did not bug me at all through training this day.

Sunday it was aggravated again, but if it's connected with my glutes then it makes sense that it would be tight after squats. Gave my hubby a good reason to dig his bony elbow into my glutes and make me yelp! It did loosen up my back some and I was able to go in last night for a normal bench day. I felt stronger again and felt good to be back doing stuff.


Legs up 3x5 @ 65,75,85,95,105,110(did 4)
Legs up 2bd 2x5 @ 115,120
A1) Chins 3x3
A2) DB incline 2x8 @ 30s, 30s
Rotators 4 sets
Side planks 3x20sec per side

Will be training tonight but still wearing my belt for squats. I am not prepared to take any chances so I will play it safe for a bit longer. My back is improving all the time but I can still feel the tension in it... My stress levels are higher than normal as well, so better to be safe than sorry...

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